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Titre Prix
Blagrave, Joseph - Astrological Practice of Physick Astrological Practice of Physick Auteur: Blagrave, Joseph € 16,00
Volguine, Alexandre - The ruler of the nativity The ruler of the nativity Auteur: Volguine, Alexandre € 30,00
Boccio, Frank J. - Mindfulness Yoga. De bewuste vereniging van adem, lichaam en geest Mindfulness Yoga. De bewuste vereniging van adem, lichaam en geest Auteur: Boccio, Frank J. € 10,00
Wetering, Janwillem van de - Zuivere leegte. Ervaringen van een respectloze zenleerling Zuivere leegte. Ervaringen van een respectloze zenleerling Auteur: Wetering, Janwillem van de € 9,00
Rétyi, Andreas von - Skull  Bones. Amerika's geheime machtselite Skull Bones. Amerika's geheime machtselite Auteur: Rétyi, Andreas von € 12,50
Carotta, Francesco - Was Jezus Caesar? Over de romeinse oorsprong van het christendom. Een onderzoek Was Jezus Caesar? Over de romeinse oorsprong van het christendom. Een onderzoek Auteur: Carotta, Francesco € 10,00
Halbout, Dominique / Gönen Güzey - Assimil. Turks zonder moeite Assimil. Turks zonder moeite Auteur: Halbout, Dominique / Gönen Güzey € 30,00
Halbout, Dominique / Gönen Güzey - Assimil. Turks zonder moeite Assimil. Turks zonder moeite Auteur: Halbout, Dominique / Gönen Güzey € 10,00
Negus, Joan - Basic Astrology. A Guide for Teachers  Students Basic Astrology. A Guide for Teachers Students Auteur: Negus, Joan € 6,00
Michelsen, Neil F. - The American Sidereal Ephemeris 1976-2000 The American Sidereal Ephemeris 1976-2000 Auteur: Michelsen, Neil F. € 14,00
Gauquelin, Michel - The Cosmic Clocks. From astrology to a modern science The Cosmic Clocks. From astrology to a modern science Auteur: Gauquelin, Michel € 9,00
Jansky, Robert Carl - Interpreting the eclipses Interpreting the eclipses Auteur: Jansky, Robert Carl € 10,00
Levacy, William R. - Beneath a Vedic Sky Beneath a Vedic Sky Auteur: Levacy, William R. € 60,00
Jansky, Robert C. - Synastry Synastry Auteur: Jansky, Robert C. € 20,00
Kares, Kasandra - Astrology and Herbs Astrology and Herbs Auteur: Kares, Kasandra € 45,00
Jansky, Robert C. - Interpreting the aspects Interpreting the aspects Auteur: Jansky, Robert C. € 45,00
Jansky, R. C. - Planetary Patterns Planetary Patterns Auteur: Jansky, R. C. € 35,00
Weiss, Claude - Astrologie. Eine Wissenschaft von Raum und Zeit Astrologie. Eine Wissenschaft von Raum und Zeit Auteur: Weiss, Claude € 9,00
Traugott, Hannelore - Lilith. Eros des schwarzen Mondes Lilith. Eros des schwarzen Mondes Auteur: Traugott, Hannelore € 13,50
Tyl, Noel [ed.] - Sexualität im Horoskop Sexualität im Horoskop Auteur: Tyl, Noel [ed.] € 8,00
Mertz, Bernd A. - Liebe - Opfer - Magie. Der Mensch als Geheimnis der Kosmos. Die Praxis der esoterischen Horoskopdeutung Liebe - Opfer - Magie. Der Mensch als Geheimnis der Kosmos. Die Praxis der esoterischen Horoskopdeutung Auteur: Mertz, Bernd A. € 8,50
Dohmen, Heidi - Astrologische Lebensaspekte. Zwischen Liebesverlangen und Konfliktbewältigung Astrologische Lebensaspekte. Zwischen Liebesverlangen und Konfliktbewältigung Auteur: Dohmen, Heidi € 12,50
Theler, Brigitte - Astrologische Berufs-Fibel Astrologische Berufs-Fibel Auteur: Theler, Brigitte € 9,00
Theler, Brigitte - Astrologische Partnerschafts-Fibel Astrologische Partnerschafts-Fibel Auteur: Theler, Brigitte € 9,00
Congi, Caterina - Astrologische Kinder-Fibel Astrologische Kinder-Fibel Auteur: Congi, Caterina € 8,50
Hall, Judy - Seelenpartner. Das Geheimnis karmischer Verbindungen Seelenpartner. Das Geheimnis karmischer Verbindungen Auteur: Hall, Judy € 8,50
Schäfer, Thomas - Bildersprache Astrologie Bildersprache Astrologie Auteur: Schäfer, Thomas € 6,50
 - Astrokring jaargang 5 (februari 1988 - januari 1989) Astrokring jaargang 5 (februari 1988 - januari 1989) Auteur: € 7,00
Leo, Alan - The Art of Synthesis The Art of Synthesis Auteur: Leo, Alan € 10,00
Leo, Alan - How to Judge a Nativity How to Judge a Nativity Auteur: Leo, Alan € 9,00
Leo, Alan - The Progressed Horoscope The Progressed Horoscope Auteur: Leo, Alan € 10,00
Best, Simon T. [editor] - Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 1, No. 1 and 2. 1981 Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 1, No. 1 and 2. 1981 Auteur: Best, Simon T. [editor] € 7,00
Best, Simon T. [editor] - Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 4, No. 1 and 2. 1984 Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 4, No. 1 and 2. 1984 Auteur: Best, Simon T. [editor] € 7,00
Best, Simon T. [editor] - Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 3, No. 1 and 2. 1983 Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 3, No. 1 and 2. 1983 Auteur: Best, Simon T. [editor] € 7,00
Best, Simon T. [editor] - Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 5, No. 1 and 2. 1985 Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 5, No. 1 and 2. 1985 Auteur: Best, Simon T. [editor] € 7,00
Best, Simon T. [editor] - Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 6, No. 2. 1986 Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 6, No. 2. 1986 Auteur: Best, Simon T. [editor] € 4,00
Best, Simon T. [editor] - Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 7, No. 1 and 2. 1987 Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 7, No. 1 and 2. 1987 Auteur: Best, Simon T. [editor] € 6,00
Lee, Fleming - Correlation. Research Publication of the Astrological Association in collaboration with ISAR. Nrs. 2-6 Correlation. Research Publication of the Astrological Association in collaboration with ISAR. Nrs. 2-6 Auteur: Lee, Fleming € 7,00
Harris, Pat [ed.] - Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 23, no. 1, 2005 Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 23, no. 1, 2005 Auteur: Harris, Pat [ed.] € 4,00
Smith, Rudolf H. [ed.] - Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 15, no. 1, Northern Summer 1996 Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 15, no. 1, Northern Summer 1996 Auteur: Smith, Rudolf H. [ed.] € 4,00
Smith, Rudolf H. [ed.] - Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 14, no. 1 Northern Summer 1995, no. 2 Northern Winter 1995/96 Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 14, no. 1 Northern Summer 1995, no. 2 Northern Winter 1995/96 Auteur: Smith, Rudolf H. [ed.] € 7,00
Smith, Rudolf H. [ed.] - Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 13, no. 1 Northern Summer 1994, no. 2 Northern Winter 1994/95 Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 13, no. 1 Northern Summer 1994, no. 2 Northern Winter 1994/95 Auteur: Smith, Rudolf H. [ed.] € 7,00
Smith, Rudolf H. [ed.] - Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 12, no. 1 June 1993, no. 2 Winter 1993/94 Correlation. Journal of Research into Astrology. Vol. 12, no. 1 June 1993, no. 2 Winter 1993/94 Auteur: Smith, Rudolf H. [ed.] € 7,00
Dean, Geoffrey - Recent Advances in Natal Astrology. A critical review 1900-1976 Recent Advances in Natal Astrology. A critical review 1900-1976 Auteur: Dean, Geoffrey € 20,00
 - Astrologie Heute 107, 108, 109 Februar 2004 thru Juli 2004 Astrologie Heute 107, 108, 109 Februar 2004 thru Juli 2004 Auteur: € 7,50
 - AstroFocus Nrs. 18-19, Maart 2003-Juni 2003 AstroFocus Nrs. 18-19, Maart 2003-Juni 2003 Auteur: € 5,00
 - AstroFocus. Jaargang 2022, Nr. 95 t/m 98 AstroFocus. Jaargang 2022, Nr. 95 t/m 98 Auteur: € 8,00
 - AstroFocus. Jaargang 2010, Nr. 46 t/m 49 AstroFocus. Jaargang 2010, Nr. 46 t/m 49 Auteur: € 8,00
 - AstroFocus. Jaargang 2008, Nr. 38 t/m 41 AstroFocus. Jaargang 2008, Nr. 38 t/m 41 Auteur: € 8,00
 - AstroFocus. Jaargang 2009, Nr. 42 t/m 45 AstroFocus. Jaargang 2009, Nr. 42 t/m 45 Auteur: € 7,00