Adam (Signed by his wife Yvette Adam)
Auteur: Adam
Musée des Beaux-Arts du Havre 1972
Text in french, 4to, soft cover, 24 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 22,00
Adriaan Lubbers 1892-1954 Tussen Nederland en New York
Auteur: Ann Blokland
Singer Museum, Laren 1999
Text in dutch with english summary, 4to, soft cover, n.p., illustrated. Fine copy.
€ 10,00
Alex Katz
Auteur: Alex Katz / Richard Marshall
Whitney Museum of American Art / Rizzoli, New York 1986
Text in english, 4to, cl & dj, 137 pages, illustrated. Fine.
€ 58,00
Alex ten Napel - Water Portraits
Auteur: Han Schoonhoven
Ton Peek Photography, Utrecht 2006
Text in english, small 4to, soft cover, 24 pages, illustrated, fine copy.
€ 50,00
Allan Kaprow & Claes Oldenburg Art, Happenings & Cultural Politics
Auteur: Robert E. Haywood
Yale University Press, New Haven 2017
Text in english, 4to, hardbound with dust jacket, 214 pages, illustrated, copy as new.
€ 30,00
American Musicians
Auteur: Lee Friedlander
Distributed Art Publishers, New York 1998
Text in english, 4to, hardbound with dustjacket, 295 pages, illustrated. Fine copy.
€ 70,00
Andy Warhol
Auteur: David Bourdon
Harry N. Abrams, New York 1991
Text in english, 4to, cl & dj, 432 pages, illustrated. Fine.
€ 70,00
Andy Warhol - Cars
Auteur: Werner Spies / Andy Warhol
Verlag Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart / Guggenheim Museum New York 1988
Text in english, 4to, soft cover, 139 pages, illustrated. Fine copy.
€ 20,00
Andy Warhol's Interview February 1996
Auteur: Irina Pantaeva (cover)
Brant Publications, New York, 1996
Text in english, 4to, soft cover, 112 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 12,00
Andy Warhol's Interview January 1996
Auteur: Jennifer Jason Leigh (cover)
Brant Publications, New York, 1996
Text in english, 4to, soft cover, 104 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 12,00
Andy Warhol's Interview November 1996
Auteur: Kristin Scott Thomas (cover)
Brant Publications, New York, 1996
Text in english, 4to, soft cover, 120 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 12,00
Andy Warhol's Interview September 1996
Auteur: Goldie Hawn (cover)
Brant Publications, New York, 1996
Text in english, 4to, soft cover, 168 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 12,00
Annie Leibovitz Portretten 2005 - 2016
Auteur: Sharon DeLano / Alexandra Fuller
Uitgeverij Lannoo, 2017
Text in dutch, folio size, hardbound with illustrated boards and acetate dust jacket, 316 pages, ill...
€ 60,00
Antonio Carluccio Goes Wild - 120 fresh recipes for wild food from land and sea
Auteur: Antonio Carluccio
Headline, London 2001
Text in english, 4to, hardbound with dustjacket, 224 pages. Illustrated. Copy as new.
€ 24,00
Auteur: Arakawa / Marja Bloem / Wim Crouwel (design)
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 1978
Text in dutch, 4to, soft cover, 6 page fold-out, illustrated, fine copy.
€ 9,00
Arata Isozaki Vol. I 1959-1978 (GA Architect 6)
Auteur: Kenneth Frampton / Yukio Futagawa (photography)
A.D.A. Edita Tokyo 1991
Text in english and japanese, square 4to, soft cover, 262 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 68,00
Arman - Accumulations Renault
Auteur: Karl-Heinz Heering
Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf 1969
Text in german and french, 4to, soft cover, n.p., illustrated. Very good copy.
€ 12,00
Arnold Newman in Florida
Auteur: Bruce Weber
David R. Godine, Boston 1988
Text in english, 4to, clothbound with dust jacket, 86 pages, illustrated, fine copy.
€ 40,00
Arshile Gorky - Works on Paper / Opera su Carta
Auteur: Philip Rylands / Matthew Spender
Edizioni Carta Segrete, Roma 1992
Text in italian and english, 4to, soft cover, 150 pages, illustrated. Very good copy.
€ 30,00
Art Deco Graphics
Auteur: Patricia Frantz Kery
Harry N. Abrams, New York 1986
Text in english, 4to, clothbound with dustjacket, 320 pages, illustrated, very fine copy.
€ 65,00
Art edition 16/84 (signed copy)
Auteur: Bep Toscani / Jan de Beus / Hans Cornelissen / Ernst Löwensteyn
Works, IJsselstein 1984
Text in dutch and english, 4to, soft cover, 64 pages, illustrated. Fine copy.
€ 24,00
Art Plastic - Designed for Living
Auteur: Andrea DiNoto
Abbeville Press, New York 1984
Text in english, 4to, clothbound with dustjacket, illustrated, 228 pages. Fine copy.
€ 40,00
Arte Affiches 1964-1971 / 1972-1977 2 Volumes
Auteur: Alain Weil / Michel Enrici
Adrien Maeght Editeur, Paris 1985/1989
Text in french, square 4to, clothbound with dust jacket, 176 / 172 pages, illustrated, very good cop...
€ 100,00
Artist / Author Contemporary artists' Books
Auteur: Cornelia Lauf / Clive Phillpot
Distributed Art Publishers, New York 1998
Text in english, 4to, soft cover, 186 pages, illustrated. Fine copy.
€ 30,00
Asger Jorn 1914-1973 Gemälde Zeichnungen Aquarelle Gouachen Skulpturen
Auteur: Armin Zweite
Lenbachhaus München 1987
Text in german, 4to, soft cover, 285 pages, illustrated. Very good copy.
€ 15,00
Auroville Rayapudduppakkampettai
Auteur: Hans Bekkers / Johannes Odé / Jan Wijle
Stielos, Delft 1973
Text in dutch, oblong 4to, soft cover, 170 pages, illustrated. Very good copy.
€ 35,00
Avedon advertising
Auteur: Richard Avedon / Laura Avedon / James Martin / Rebecca Arnold
Abrams, New York 2019
Text in english, folio, hardbound with dustjacket, 350 pages, illustrated. Copy as new.
€ 55,00
Baer Cornet - grafisch ontwerper
Auteur: Baer Cornet / William Graatsma / Alexander van Grevestein / Wim Crouwel (foreword)
Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht n.d.
Text in dutch, 4to, soft cover, stapled, 32 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 65,00
Baer Cornet - grafisch ontwerper graphic designer
Auteur: Baer Cornet / Paul Hefting
010 Publishers Rotterdam 1998
Text in dutch and english, square 4to, soft cover, 96 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 125,00
Barnett Newman - The Complete Drawings 1944-1969
Auteur: Brenda Richardson
The Baltimore Museum of Art 1979
Text in english, 4to, soft cover with dustjacket, 219 pages, illustrated. Very good copy.
€ 45,00
Bauhausstil oder Konstruktivismus?
Auteur: Tobias Hoffmann / Amely Deiss / Rasmus Kleine / Susann Scholl / Dorothea Niggemeier
Wienand Verlag, Köln 1988
Text in german, 4to, clothbound with dust jacket, 288 pages, as new copy.
€ 70,00
Bob Bonies
Auteur: Michiel Morel / Hans Locher
Artoteek Den Haag 2002 / Haags Gemeentemuseum
Text in dutch, 4to, soft covers, not paginated, illustrated. Very good copy.
€ 22,00
Auteur: Marinus Boezem / Irma Boom (design) / Edna van Duyn
Thoth, Bussum 1999
Text in dutch, 4to, hardcover, 548 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 60,00
Bonfanti (XXXIV Biennale di Venezia 1968)
Auteur: Franco Russoli
Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo 1968
Text in italian, french and english, small 4to, soft cover, 28 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 22,00
Bram van Velde
Auteur: Bram van Velde / Samuel Beckett
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 1960
Text in dutch, 4to, soft cover, not paginated, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 15,00
Bram van Velde
Auteur: Bram van Velde / Jacques Putman
Le Musée de Poche, Paris 1958
Text in french, 8vo, soft cover with dust jacket, 64 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 40,00
Brazil Built - The Architecture of the Modern Movement in Brazil
Auteur: Zilah Quezado Deckker
Spon Press, London 2001
Text in english, 4to, soft cover, 254 pages, illustrated. Good copy.
€ 68,00
Bruce Davidson - Central Park
Auteur: Elizabeth Barlow Rogers / Marie Winn
Aperture, New York 1995
Text in english, oblong 4to, hardbound with dutsjacket, 128 pages, illustrated. Copy as new.
€ 30,00
Bruce Nauman - Versuchanordnungen Werke 1965-1994
Auteur: Uwe M. Schneede
Hamburger Kunsthalle / Christians Verlag 1998
Text in german, 4to, hardbound with dustjacket, 116 pages, illustrated. Copy as new.
€ 30,00
Bruce Nauman (Two Volumes)
Auteur: Neal Benezra / Kathy Halbreich / Joan Simon / Robert Storr
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis / Kunsthaus Zürich 1994/95
Text in english and german, 4to, soft covers, 216 + 80 pages, illustrated, fine copies
€ 90,00
Building Seagram
Auteur: Phyllis Lambert
Yale University Press, New Haven 2013
Text in english, 4to, hardbound with dust jacket, 306 pages, illustrated, copy as new.
€ 40,00
Bulletin t.g.v de toekenning van de David Röell Prijs 1987 aan Andries Copier
Auteur: A.D. Copier
Vereniging van Vrienden van Modern Glas 1987
Text in dutch, 4to, soft cover, 24 pages, illustrated. Fine copy.
€ 9,00
C.A. Lion Cachet 1864-1945 (Carel Adolph)
Auteur: Mechteld de Bois / Antonette Does-de Haan / Titus M. Eliëns a.o.
Drents Museum Assen / Museum Boymans-van Beuningen Rotterdam 1994
Text in dutch, 4to, soft cover, 324 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 30,00
Callahan (Harry)
Auteur: John Szarkowski
Aperture, Millerton 1976
Text in english, 4to, soft cover, 204 pages, illustrated. Very good copy.
€ 40,00
Capote - A Biography
Auteur: Gerald Clarke
Simon and Schuster, NY 1988
Text in english, 4to, cl&dj, 632 pages, illustrated. Very good.
€ 12,50
Carl Andre - Sculpture as Place 1958-2010
Auteur: Michelle Piranio / Jeremy Sigler
Dia Art Foundation New York / Yale University Press New Haven 2014
Text in english, 4to, hardbound, 400 pages, illustrated. Fine copy.
€ 40,00
Cassandre (A.M.)
Auteur: Henri Mouron
Schirmer/Mosel Verlag München 1985
Text in german, 4to, clothbound with dust jacket, 318 pages, illustrated. Very good copy.
€ 55,00
Christian Dior - Dior
Auteur: Francoise Giroud / Sacha van Dorssen
Schirmer / Mosel Verlag, München 1987
Text in german, small folio, clothbound with dustjacket, 325 pages, illustrated. Very fine copy.
€ 145,00
Christo and Jeanne-Claude The Gates Central Park, New York 1979-2005
Auteur: Wolfgang Volz (photography) / Jonathan Henery (picture notes)
Taschen Verlag, Köln / Credit Suisse 2005
Text in english, oblong 4to, soft cover, 968 pages, illustrated, copy like new in slipcase.
€ 175,00
Auteur: Carlo Pirovano
galerie d'eendt amsterdam 1971
Text in dutch, soft cover, 8vo, 12 pages, illustrated, very good copy.
€ 14,00