

Marino a un total de 2823 livre(s).

Titre Prix
Best, Ernest - 1 Peter (New Century Bible) 1 Peter (New Century Bible) Auteur: Best, Ernest € 5,00
Plugge, Henk / André Schimmel - 100 vragen over paranormale geneeswijze 100 vragen over paranormale geneeswijze Auteur: Plugge, Henk / André Schimmel € 5,00
Nieuwdorp, Hans - 1585-1985. Antwerpen en de scheiding der Nederlanden. Tentoonstellingen - Voordrachten - Historische en folkloristische manifestaties 1585-1985. Antwerpen en de scheiding der Nederlanden. Tentoonstellingen - Voordrachten - Historische en folkloristische manifestaties Auteur: Nieuwdorp, Hans € 5,00
Fuks, L. e.a. - 1674-1940: Joodse pers in de Nederlanden en in Duitsland / Jüdische Presse in den Niederlanden und in Deutschland 1674-1940: Joodse pers in de Nederlanden en in Duitsland / Jüdische Presse in den Niederlanden und in Deutschland Auteur: Fuks, L. e.a. € 5,00
Baumann, Rolf - 2000 Jahre danach. Eine Bestandsaufnahme zur Sache Jesu. 2000 Jahre danach. Eine Bestandsaufnahme zur Sache Jesu. Auteur: Baumann, Rolf € 5,00
 - 2008 Road Atlas Great Britain and Ireland 2008 Road Atlas Great Britain and Ireland Auteur: € 15,00
Moffat, Alfred - 50 Nursery Rhymes. The Music-lovers Library, No. 28 50 Nursery Rhymes. The Music-lovers Library, No. 28 Auteur: Moffat, Alfred € 10,00
Hospers, J.H. - A Basic Bibliography for the Study of the Semitic Languages (2 Volumes) A Basic Bibliography for the Study of the Semitic Languages (2 Volumes) Auteur: Hospers, J.H. € 24,00
Jongeling, B. - A Classified Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah 1958-1969 A Classified Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah 1958-1969 Auteur: Jongeling, B. € 10,00
Brock, Sebastian P. / Charles T. Fritsch / Sidney Jellicoe - A Classified Bibliography of the Septuagint A Classified Bibliography of the Septuagint Auteur: Brock, Sebastian P. / Charles T. Fritsch / Sidney Jellicoe € 25,00
Wright, William Aldis - A Commentary on the Book of Job by Berechiah, Mediaeval Jewish Scholar in France A Commentary on the Book of Job by Berechiah, Mediaeval Jewish Scholar in France Auteur: Wright, William Aldis € 30,00
Wright, William Aldis (ed.) - A Commentary on the Book of Job, from a Hebrew Manuscript in the University Library, Cambridge A Commentary on the Book of Job, from a Hebrew Manuscript in the University Library, Cambridge Auteur: Wright, William Aldis (ed.) € 15,00
Rabbeynu Meyuchos ben Eliyahu - A Commentary on the Book of Job. Published from an only Manuscript with an introduction, notes, comments, and indices by Rabbi Charles B. Chavel A Commentary on the Book of Job. Published from an only Manuscript with an introduction, notes, comments, and indices by Rabbi Charles B. Chavel Auteur: Rabbeynu Meyuchos ben Eliyahu € 30,00
Rabbeynu Meyuchos ben Eliyahu - A Commentary on the Book of Job. Published from an only Manuscript with an introduction, notes, comments, and indices by Rabbi Charles B. Chavel A Commentary on the Book of Job. Published from an only Manuscript with an introduction, notes, comments, and indices by Rabbi Charles B. Chavel Auteur: Rabbeynu Meyuchos ben Eliyahu € 25,00
Montefiore, H.W. - A commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews A commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews Auteur: Montefiore, H.W. € 6,00
Best, Ernest - A commentary on the first and second epistles to the Thessalonians A commentary on the first and second epistles to the Thessalonians Auteur: Best, Ernest € 5,00
Sanders, J.N. / B.A. Mastin - A Commentary on the Gospel According to St John (Black's New Testament Commentaries) A Commentary on the Gospel According to St John (Black's New Testament Commentaries) Auteur: Sanders, J.N. / B.A. Mastin € 7,00
Tomback, Richard S. - A Comparative Semitic Lexicon of the Phoenician and Punic Languages A Comparative Semitic Lexicon of the Phoenician and Punic Languages Auteur: Tomback, Richard S. € 30,00
Eckersley, C.E. / J.M. Eckersley - A Comprehensive English Grammar for Foreign Students A Comprehensive English Grammar for Foreign Students Auteur: Eckersley, C.E. / J.M. Eckersley € 10,00
Kadushin, Max - A Conceptual Approach to the Mekilta. How the spiritual values of the Talmud and Midrash arise from the Bible A Conceptual Approach to the Mekilta. How the spiritual values of the Talmud and Midrash arise from the Bible Auteur: Kadushin, Max € 15,00
Cowley, A.E. - A Concise Catalogue of the Hebrew Printed Books in the Bodleian Library A Concise Catalogue of the Hebrew Printed Books in the Bodleian Library Auteur: Cowley, A.E. € 50,00
Whitaker, Richard E. - A Concordance of the Ugaritic Literature A Concordance of the Ugaritic Literature Auteur: Whitaker, Richard E. € 20,00
Moulton, W.F. / Geden, A.S. (eds.) - A Concordance to the Greek Testament A Concordance to the Greek Testament Auteur: Moulton, W.F. / Geden, A.S. (eds.) € 12,00
Toy, C. H. - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Proverbs (ICC) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Proverbs (ICC) Auteur: Toy, C. H. € 20,00
Charles, R.H. - A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life. In Israel, in Judaism, and in Christianity. Or Hebrew, Jewish, and Christian Eschatology from Pre-Prophetic Times till the Close of the New Testament Canon. Being the Jowett Lectures for 18... A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life. In Israel, in Judaism, and in Christianity. Or Hebrew, Jewish, and Christian Eschatology from Pre-Prophetic Times till the Close of the New Testament Canon. Being the Jowett Lectures for 18... Auteur: Charles, R.H. € 20,00
Anderson, George W. - A Critical Introduction to the Old Testament A Critical Introduction to the Old Testament Auteur: Anderson, George W. € 8,00
Morris, Peter M.K. / Edward James - A Critical Word Book of Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. The Computer Bible Vol. VIII A Critical Word Book of Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. The Computer Bible Vol. VIII Auteur: Morris, Peter M.K. / Edward James € 12,00
Horwill, H.W. - A Dictionary of Modern American Usage A Dictionary of Modern American Usage Auteur: Horwill, H.W. € 7,00
Paues, A.C. - A Fourteenth Century  English Biblical Version A Fourteenth Century English Biblical Version Auteur: Paues, A.C. € 15,00
Jastrow, Morris - A Gentle Cynic, Being the Book of Ecclesiastes A Gentle Cynic, Being the Book of Ecclesiastes Auteur: Jastrow, Morris € 15,00
Blau, Joshua - A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew Auteur: Blau, Joshua € 8,00
Segal, M.H. - A Grammar of Mishnaic Hebrew A Grammar of Mishnaic Hebrew Auteur: Segal, M.H. € 14,00
Ceadel, E.B. (preface) - A Guide to the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Collection A Guide to the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Collection Auteur: Ceadel, E.B. (preface) € 5,00
Waard, Jan de - A Handbook on Isaiah A Handbook on Isaiah Auteur: Waard, Jan de € 40,00
Reyburn, William D. - A Handbook on The Book of Job (UBS Handbook Series) A Handbook on The Book of Job (UBS Handbook Series) Auteur: Reyburn, William D. € 25,00
Sperber, Alexander - A Historical Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. A Presentation of Problems with Suggestions to Their Solution A Historical Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. A Presentation of Problems with Suggestions to Their Solution Auteur: Sperber, Alexander € 75,00
Orlinsky, Harry M. / Robert G. Bratcher - A History of Bible Translation and the North American Contribution A History of Bible Translation and the North American Contribution Auteur: Orlinsky, Harry M. / Robert G. Bratcher € 20,00
Moir, John S. - A History of Biblical Studies in Canada. A Sense of Proportion A History of Biblical Studies in Canada. A Sense of Proportion Auteur: Moir, John S. € 12,00
Noth, Martin - A History of Pentateuchal Traditions A History of Pentateuchal Traditions Auteur: Noth, Martin € 20,00
Baugh, Albert C. / Thomas Cable - A History of the English Language A History of the English Language Auteur: Baugh, Albert C. / Thomas Cable € 7,00
Avi-Yonah, Michael - A History of the Holy Land A History of the Holy Land Auteur: Avi-Yonah, Michael € 10,00
Mandelbaum, Irving - A History of the Mishnaic Law of Agriculture: Kilayim A History of the Mishnaic Law of Agriculture: Kilayim Auteur: Mandelbaum, Irving € 15,00
Bream, Howard N. et al (eds.) - A Light unto My Path. Old Testament Studies in Honor of Jacob M. Myers A Light unto My Path. Old Testament Studies in Honor of Jacob M. Myers Auteur: Bream, Howard N. et al (eds.) € 10,00
Catford, J.C. - A Linguistic Theory of Translation A Linguistic Theory of Translation Auteur: Catford, J.C. € 8,00
Fitzmyer, Joseph A. / Daniel Harrington - A Manual of Palestinian and Aramaic Texts A Manual of Palestinian and Aramaic Texts Auteur: Fitzmyer, Joseph A. / Daniel Harrington € 24,00
Sawyer, John F. A. - A Modern Introduction to Biblical Hebrew A Modern Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Auteur: Sawyer, John F. A. € 6,00
Newfield, Jack / Jeff Greenfield - A Populist Manifesto. The Making of a New Majority A Populist Manifesto. The Making of a New Majority Auteur: Newfield, Jack / Jeff Greenfield € 6,00
Storey, David - A Prodigal Child A Prodigal Child Auteur: Storey, David € 6,50
Mussies, Gerard - A Recent Contribution to New Testament Lexicology A Recent Contribution to New Testament Lexicology Auteur: Mussies, Gerard € 5,00
Greene, Graham - A Sense of Reality A Sense of Reality Auteur: Greene, Graham € 6,00