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Titre Prix
Parfionovitch, Yuri [Hrsg.]/ Thomas Geist - Klassische tibetische Medizin Klassische tibetische Medizin Auteur: Parfionovitch, Yuri [Hrsg.]/ Thomas Geist € 750,00
Yamamoto, Keiji / Burnett, Charles [eds.] - Abu Ma'sar on Historical Astrology. The Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great Conjunctions) Abu Ma'sar on Historical Astrology. The Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great Conjunctions) Auteur: Yamamoto, Keiji / Burnett, Charles [eds.] € 475,00
Baigent, Michael / Campion, Nicholas / Harvey, Charles - Mundane Astrology. The Astrology of Nations, Groups and Organizations Mundane Astrology. The Astrology of Nations, Groups and Organizations Auteur: Baigent, Michael / Campion, Nicholas / Harvey, Charles € 450,00
Hopke 'Nalini', Tom - The Divine Path of Prediction. A Summer in the Life of a Vedic Astrologer The Divine Path of Prediction. A Summer in the Life of a Vedic Astrologer Auteur: Hopke 'Nalini', Tom € 400,00
Pingree, David [editor] - The Yavanajataka of Sphujidhvaja. Edited, translated, and commented on by David Pingree The Yavanajataka of Sphujidhvaja. Edited, translated, and commented on by David Pingree Auteur: Pingree, David [editor] € 375,00
 - Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 24. Part 8. System No. 3591 - 3611. Heterocyclic Class: 2 N Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 24. Part 8. System No. 3591 - 3611. Heterocyclic Class: 2 N Auteur: € 350,00
 - Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 25. Part 13. System No. 3769 - 3773a. Heterocyclic Class: 2 N Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 25. Part 13. System No. 3769 - 3773a. Heterocyclic Class: 2 N Auteur: € 350,00
 - Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 24. Part 4. System No. 3570 - 3573. Heterocyclic Class: 2 N Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 24. Part 4. System No. 3570 - 3573. Heterocyclic Class: 2 N Auteur: € 350,00
 - Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 24. Part 9. System No. 3612 - 3633. Heterocyclic Class: 2 N Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 24. Part 9. System No. 3612 - 3633. Heterocyclic Class: 2 N Auteur: € 350,00
 - Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 21. Part 1. System No. 3103 - 3110. Heterocyclic Class: 1 N Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 21. Part 1. System No. 3103 - 3110. Heterocyclic Class: 1 N Auteur: € 350,00
 - Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 22. Part 14. System No. 3436 - 3457. Heterocyclic Class: 1 N Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 22. Part 14. System No. 3436 - 3457. Heterocyclic Class: 1 N Auteur: € 350,00
 - Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 22. Part 1. System No. 3242 - 3246. Heterocyclic Class: 1 N Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 22. Part 1. System No. 3242 - 3246. Heterocyclic Class: 1 N Auteur: € 350,00
 - Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 23. Part 12. System No. 3510 - 3515. Heterocyclic Class: 2 N Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Volume 23. Part 12. System No. 3510 - 3515. Heterocyclic Class: 2 N Auteur: € 325,00
 - Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Collective Indexes. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Compound-Name Index for Volume 23 - 25 A - D Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Collective Indexes. Fifth Supplementary Series Covering the Literature from 1960 through 1979. Compound-Name Index for Volume 23 - 25 A - D Auteur: € 250,00
Stuckrad, Kocku von - Das Ringen um die Astrologie. Jüdische und christliche Beiträge zum antiken Zeitverständnis Das Ringen um die Astrologie. Jüdische und christliche Beiträge zum antiken Zeitverständnis Auteur: Stuckrad, Kocku von € 225,00
Zeller, Eduard - Die Philosophie der Griechen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung Die Philosophie der Griechen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung Auteur: Zeller, Eduard € 200,00
Hohenheim, Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast of [also called Paracelsus The Great] - The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, called Paracelsus The Great.  Volume II. Hermetic medicine and hermetic philosophy. The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, called Paracelsus The Great. Volume II. Hermetic medicine and hermetic philosophy. Auteur: Hohenheim, Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast of [also called Paracelsus The Great] € 200,00
Hills, Christopher - Supersensonics. The spiritual physics of all vibrations from zero to infinity. The science of radiational paraphysics. Volume III Supersensonics. The spiritual physics of all vibrations from zero to infinity. The science of radiational paraphysics. Volume III Auteur: Hills, Christopher € 200,00
Brahmachari, Dhirenda - Yoga Progressiv. 100 Asanas für Ansprüchsvolle als sicherer Weg zu Dynamik, Vitalität und Selbstvollendung Yoga Progressiv. 100 Asanas für Ansprüchsvolle als sicherer Weg zu Dynamik, Vitalität und Selbstvollendung Auteur: Brahmachari, Dhirenda € 180,00
Skinner, Stephen - Terrestrial Astrology. Divination by Geomancy Terrestrial Astrology. Divination by Geomancy Auteur: Skinner, Stephen € 150,00
Scrutton, Robert - Secrets of lost Atland Secrets of lost Atland Auteur: Scrutton, Robert € 150,00
Barrett, Clotilde - Shadow Weave and Corkscrew Weave Shadow Weave and Corkscrew Weave Auteur: Barrett, Clotilde € 150,00
Maternvs, Firmicvs (Firmicus Maternus) - Mathesis Mathesis Auteur: Maternvs, Firmicvs (Firmicus Maternus) € 150,00
Tutschkow, Swetlana Alexandrowna - Russische Zigeuner Orakelkarten. Orakel-Set, Handbuch und Karten Russische Zigeuner Orakelkarten. Orakel-Set, Handbuch und Karten Auteur: Tutschkow, Swetlana Alexandrowna € 140,00
Crowley, Aleister - Aleister Crowley's gesammelte Schriften - 3 Aleister Crowley's gesammelte Schriften - 3 Auteur: Crowley, Aleister € 140,00
Goddard, David - The Tower of Alchemy The Tower of Alchemy Auteur: Goddard, David € 140,00
Grant, Kenneth - Cults of the Shadow Cults of the Shadow Auteur: Grant, Kenneth € 140,00
Purucker, G. de - The Dialogues The Dialogues Auteur: Purucker, G. de € 140,00
Hephaestion Thebanus/Pingree, David - Apotelesmatica. Vol. I: Apotelesmaticorum Libri Tres. vol. II: Apotelesmaticorum epitomae qvuattor. Edidit D. Pingree Apotelesmatica. Vol. I: Apotelesmaticorum Libri Tres. vol. II: Apotelesmaticorum epitomae qvuattor. Edidit D. Pingree Auteur: Hephaestion Thebanus/Pingree, David € 140,00
Hopking, Alan - Esoterisch genezen. Een praktische gids gebaseerd op de leringen van de Tibetaan in de werken van Alice A. Bailey Esoterisch genezen. Een praktische gids gebaseerd op de leringen van de Tibetaan in de werken van Alice A. Bailey Auteur: Hopking, Alan € 140,00
Carr, William Guy - Pawns in the Game Pawns in the Game Auteur: Carr, William Guy € 125,00
Douglas, Nick / Penny Slinger - Mountain Ecstasy Mountain Ecstasy Auteur: Douglas, Nick / Penny Slinger € 120,00
 - Ex Occidente Lux. Ein Ketzerbrevier in freien Folgen. Heft 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Ex Occidente Lux. Ein Ketzerbrevier in freien Folgen. Heft 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Auteur: € 120,00
Barber, Malcolm - The new knighthood. A History of the Order of the Temple The new knighthood. A History of the Order of the Temple Auteur: Barber, Malcolm € 100,00
Bach, H.-D. - Äussere Kennzeichen innerer Erkrankungen Äussere Kennzeichen innerer Erkrankungen Auteur: Bach, H.-D. € 100,00
Crowley, Aleister - Snowdrops from a curate's garden Snowdrops from a curate's garden Auteur: Crowley, Aleister € 100,00
Lange, Roelien de - Sjamaans Spiegel Orakel Sjamaans Spiegel Orakel Auteur: Lange, Roelien de € 100,00
Camphausen, Rufus C. / Apolonia van Leeuwen - Tree-of-life Tarot / Kabbalistisches Tarot Tree-of-life Tarot / Kabbalistisches Tarot Auteur: Camphausen, Rufus C. / Apolonia van Leeuwen € 100,00
Molen, Coen van der - Leerboek voor de electroacupunctuur volgens Voll (E.A.V.) Leerboek voor de electroacupunctuur volgens Voll (E.A.V.) Auteur: Molen, Coen van der € 100,00
Battistini, Matilde / Impelluso, Lucia - Het boek der symbolen. De verborgen betekenis van de westerse schilderkunst Het boek der symbolen. De verborgen betekenis van de westerse schilderkunst Auteur: Battistini, Matilde / Impelluso, Lucia € 100,00
 - EPA. Ebertin Presse Archiv für Kosmobiologie. 1-7, 9, 14 (partly), 16-30 EPA. Ebertin Presse Archiv für Kosmobiologie. 1-7, 9, 14 (partly), 16-30 Auteur: € 100,00
 - Ambix. The Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Early Chemistry Vol. VIII, IX, X. 1960-1962 Ambix. The Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Early Chemistry Vol. VIII, IX, X. 1960-1962 Auteur: € 100,00
Teal, Celeste - Identifying planetary triggers. Astrological techniques for prediction Identifying planetary triggers. Astrological techniques for prediction Auteur: Teal, Celeste € 100,00
Gonda, J. - The Indra Hymns of the Rgveda The Indra Hymns of the Rgveda Auteur: Gonda, J. € 100,00
Wilhelm, Ernst - Graha Sutras Graha Sutras Auteur: Wilhelm, Ernst € 100,00
Sarasvati, Madhusudana - Advaita-Siddhih Advaita-Siddhih Auteur: Sarasvati, Madhusudana € 100,00
Gach, Michael Reed/Marco, Carolyn - ACU-Yoga. Een werkboek ACU-Yoga. Een werkboek Auteur: Gach, Michael Reed/Marco, Carolyn € 95,00
Geiger, Angelika - Wallensteins Astrologie. Eine kritische Überprüfung der Überlieferung nach dem gegenwärtigen Quellenbestand Wallensteins Astrologie. Eine kritische Überprüfung der Überlieferung nach dem gegenwärtigen Quellenbestand Auteur: Geiger, Angelika € 90,00
Green, Tamara M. - The City of the Moon God. Religios Traditions of Haram The City of the Moon God. Religios Traditions of Haram Auteur: Green, Tamara M. € 90,00
Hoppál, Mihály / Pentikaïnen, Juha [eds.] - Northern Religions and Shamanism Northern Religions and Shamanism Auteur: Hoppál, Mihály / Pentikaïnen, Juha [eds.] € 90,00