

Galileo a un total de 383 livre(s).

Titre Prix
Vico, Giambattista - (1709/1990). On the study methods of our time. The academies and the relation between philosophy and eloquence (1709/1990). On the study methods of our time. The academies and the relation between philosophy and eloquence Auteur: Vico, Giambattista € 20,00
Akira Kubota - (1969). Higher civil servants in postwar Japan. Their social origins, educational backgrounds, and career patterns. (1969). Higher civil servants in postwar Japan. Their social origins, educational backgrounds, and career patterns. Auteur: Akira Kubota € 20,00
Shapiro, Barbara J. - A Culture of Fact / England, 1550-1720 A Culture of Fact / England, 1550-1720 Auteur: Shapiro, Barbara J. € 40,00
Sir George Sansom - A history of Japan, 1615-1867 A history of Japan, 1615-1867 Auteur: Sir George Sansom € 15,00
Sansom, George - A History of Japan, 1615-1867 A History of Japan, 1615-1867 Auteur: Sansom, George € 25,00
Robert Samuel Fletcher - A history of Oberlin College from its foundation through the Civil War. A history of Oberlin College from its foundation through the Civil War. Auteur: Robert Samuel Fletcher € 40,00
George Duby (Ed.) - A history of private life. Volume II. Revelations of the medieval world A history of private life. Volume II. Revelations of the medieval world Auteur: George Duby (Ed.) € 20,00
Roger Chartier (Ed.) - A history of private life. Volume III. Passions of the Renaissance A history of private life. Volume III. Passions of the Renaissance Auteur: Roger Chartier (Ed.) € 20,00
Peter Searby - A History of the University of Cambridge: Volume 3, 1750-1870 A History of the University of Cambridge: Volume 3, 1750-1870 Auteur: Peter Searby € 40,00
Lyte, H. C. Maxwell - A history of the University of Oxford from the earliest times to the year 1530 A history of the University of Oxford from the earliest times to the year 1530 Auteur: Lyte, H. C. Maxwell € 25,00
Charles Edward Mallet - A history of the University of Oxford. Volume I The Mediaeval University and the Colleges Founded in the Middle Ages, Volume II The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Volume III Modern Oxford. A history of the University of Oxford. Volume I The Mediaeval University and the Colleges Founded in the Middle Ages, Volume II The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Volume III Modern Oxford. Auteur: Charles Edward Mallet € 40,00
Mansel Davies (Ed.) - A selection from the writings of Joseph Needham A selection from the writings of Joseph Needham Auteur: Mansel Davies (Ed.) € 40,00
Weinberg, Julius Rudolf - A Short History of Medieval Philosophy A Short History of Medieval Philosophy Auteur: Weinberg, Julius Rudolf € 15,00
John Rawls - A theory of justice A theory of justice Auteur: John Rawls € 600,00
Goudswaard - Agrarisch onderwys in ned. 1783-1983 / druk 1 Agrarisch onderwys in ned. 1783-1983 / druk 1 Auteur: Goudswaard € 20,00
Elster, Jon - Alchemies of the Mind / Rationality and the Emotions Alchemies of the Mind / Rationality and the Emotions Auteur: Elster, Jon € 30,00
Houwen, L. A. J. R.,   A. A. MacDonald (Eds.) - Alcuin of York. Scholar at the Carolingian court / druk 1 Alcuin of York. Scholar at the Carolingian court / druk 1 Auteur: Houwen, L. A. J. R., A. A. MacDonald (Eds.) € 20,00
Chomsky, Noam - American power and the new mandarins. Historical and political essays American power and the new mandarins. Historical and political essays Auteur: Chomsky, Noam € 15,00
J. W. Bomhof, (ism. F. M. Kolvenbach) - Amsterdammers voor de Grote Raad (1465-1580) Procesbundels en vonnissen uit het archief van de Grote Raad (Algemeen Rijksarchief Brussel) met betrekking tot instellingen en bewoners van Amsterdam. Amsterdammers voor de Grote Raad (1465-1580) Procesbundels en vonnissen uit het archief van de Grote Raad (Algemeen Rijksarchief Brussel) met betrekking tot instellingen en bewoners van Amsterdam. Auteur: J. W. Bomhof, (ism. F. M. Kolvenbach) € 30,00
Peter Harvey - An introduction to Buddhism. Teachings, history and practices An introduction to Buddhism. Teachings, history and practices Auteur: Peter Harvey € 20,00
S. Todd Lowry  Barry Gordon (Eds) - Ancient and medieval economic ideas and concepts of social justice Ancient and medieval economic ideas and concepts of social justice Auteur: S. Todd Lowry Barry Gordon (Eds) € 70,00
Sohan Modgil  Celia Modgil (Eds.) - Arthur Jensen; consensus and controversy. Lewes, East Sussex: Falmer Arthur Jensen; consensus and controversy. Lewes, East Sussex: Falmer Auteur: Sohan Modgil Celia Modgil (Eds.) € 30,00
Gardiner, E. Norman - Athletics of the ancient world Athletics of the ancient world Auteur: Gardiner, E. Norman € 20,00
Ziebarth, Erich - Aus dem griechischen Schulwesen. Eudemos von Milet und Verwandtes Aus dem griechischen Schulwesen. Eudemos von Milet und Verwandtes Auteur: Ziebarth, Erich € 20,00
P. Glorieux - Aux origines de la Sorbonne. Volume I. Robert de Sorbon. L’homme - - le collège - - les documents. Aux origines de la Sorbonne. Volume I. Robert de Sorbon. L’homme - - le collège - - les documents. Auteur: P. Glorieux € 30,00
Bonner, Thomas Neville - Becoming a Physician / Medical Education in Great Britain, France, Germany, and the United States, 1750-1945 Becoming a Physician / Medical Education in Great Britain, France, Germany, and the United States, 1750-1945 Auteur: Bonner, Thomas Neville € 40,00
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Barbara Schneider - Becoming adult. How teenagers prepare for the world of work Becoming adult. How teenagers prepare for the world of work Auteur: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Barbara Schneider € 20,00
Bernard Schwartz - Behind Bakke. Affirmative action and the Supreme Court Behind Bakke. Affirmative action and the Supreme Court Auteur: Bernard Schwartz € 30,00
Janssens, Ben - Ben Janssens Oriental Art 2010 Ben Janssens Oriental Art 2010 Auteur: Janssens, Ben € 15,00
Evans, Jonathan St. B. T. - Bias in Human Reasoning / Causes and Consequences Bias in Human Reasoning / Causes and Consequences Auteur: Evans, Jonathan St. B. T. € 25,00
Jensen, Arthur - Bias in mental testing Bias in mental testing Auteur: Jensen, Arthur € 30,00
Conze, Werner, und Jürgen Kocka (Hrsg.) - Bildungsbürgertum im 19. Jahrhundert. Teil I. Bildungssystem und Professionalisierung in internationalen Vergleichen. Bildungsbürgertum im 19. Jahrhundert. Teil I. Bildungssystem und Professionalisierung in internationalen Vergleichen. Auteur: Conze, Werner, und Jürgen Kocka (Hrsg.) € 20,00
Jonathan Landaw  Stephan Bodian - Boeddhisme voor Dummies Boeddhisme voor Dummies Auteur: Jonathan Landaw Stephan Bodian € 15,00
Miles, Andrew,  David Vincent (eds.) - Building European society. Occupational change and social mobility in Europe, 1840-1940 Building European society. Occupational change and social mobility in Europe, 1840-1940 Auteur: Miles, Andrew, David Vincent (eds.) € 25,00
Clotfelter, Charles T. - Buying the best. Cost escalation in elite higher education Buying the best. Cost escalation in elite higher education Auteur: Clotfelter, Charles T. € 30,00
J. Krishnamurti - By what authority? Ommen camp fire talk By what authority? Ommen camp fire talk Auteur: J. Krishnamurti € 10,00
Anthony S. Bryk, Valerie E. Lee, and Peter B. Holland - Catholic schools and the common good Catholic schools and the common good Auteur: Anthony S. Bryk, Valerie E. Lee, and Peter B. Holland € 20,00
Gavitt, Philip - Charity and Children in Renaissance Florence / The Ospedale Degli Innocenti, 1410-1536 Charity and Children in Renaissance Florence / The Ospedale Degli Innocenti, 1410-1536 Auteur: Gavitt, Philip € 25,00
Kamerman, Sheila B.,  Alfred J. Kahn (Eds) - Child Care, Parental Leave, and the Under 3s / Policy Innovation in Europe Child Care, Parental Leave, and the Under 3s / Policy Innovation in Europe Auteur: Kamerman, Sheila B., Alfred J. Kahn (Eds) € 15,00
Nardinelli, Clark - Child labor and the industrial revolution Child labor and the industrial revolution Auteur: Nardinelli, Clark € 20,00
James, Allison - Childhood identities. Self and social relationships in the experience of the child Childhood identities. Self and social relationships in the experience of the child Auteur: James, Allison € 15,00
Sharon Stephens (Ed.) - Children and the politics of culture Children and the politics of culture Auteur: Sharon Stephens (Ed.) € 20,00
Ruth Cherrington - China's students. The struggle for democracy China's students. The struggle for democracy Auteur: Ruth Cherrington € 15,00
Hayhoe, Ruth - China's Universities 1895-1995 / A Century Of Cultural Conflict China's Universities 1895-1995 / A Century Of Cultural Conflict Auteur: Hayhoe, Ruth € 40,00
Todd, Margo - Christian Humanism and the Puritan Social Order Christian Humanism and the Puritan Social Order Auteur: Todd, Margo € 20,00
Erasmus, Desiderius.  Levi, A.H.T. (editor) - Collected Works of Erasmus . Literary and educational writings. Volume 25: On the writing of letters, A formula for the composition of letters, On good manners for boys. Collected Works of Erasmus . Literary and educational writings. Volume 25: On the writing of letters, A formula for the composition of letters, On good manners for boys. Auteur: Erasmus, Desiderius. Levi, A.H.T. (editor) € 30,00
Sternberg, Robert J.,  John Kolligian, Jr. (Eds) - Competence considered Competence considered Auteur: Sternberg, Robert J., John Kolligian, Jr. (Eds) € 25,00
Susan L. Shirk - Competitive comrades. Career incentives  student strategies in China Competitive comrades. Career incentives student strategies in China Auteur: Susan L. Shirk € 20,00
Milic Capek - Concepts of space and time / druk 1 Concepts of space and time / druk 1 Auteur: Milic Capek € 50,00
Capek, Milic (Ed.) - Concepts of space and time. Their structure and their development Concepts of space and time. Their structure and their development Auteur: Capek, Milic (Ed.) € 50,00