2010 Filmspecial
Auteur: Matteis, J.M. de (bew.)
Junior Press
1984, 1st printing - Stapled, 50 pp - Good.
€ 7,50
25 jaar STER. Een leeuw van een medium
Auteur: N.N.
Stichting Ether Reclame
1990, 1st printing - Hardcover, 168 pp - VG.
€ 10,00
2wice [Twice], Vol. 8 No 1. Gold
Auteur: Tarr, Patsy
2wice Arts Foundation
2005 - Paperback, 79 pp - VG.
€ 19,50
2wice [Twice], Vol. 9 No 1. Merce Cunningham, Robert Rauschenberg
Auteur: Tarr, Patsy
2wice Arts Foundation
2006 - Paperback with flaps, 79 pp - G-VG.
€ 19,50
30 jaar kunstopdrachten voor 12 expeditieknooppunten van PTT Post/30 Years of artcommissions for the 12 sortingcentres of PTT Post
Auteur: Hefting, P. (red.)
PTT Post
1988 - Hardcover with dust-jacket, 320 pp - Fine.
€ 15,00
52 Photos
Auteur: Heiniger, E.A.
Transatlantic Editions
1952 - Paperback, 52 pp - Good.
€ 10,00
60 jaar Lijnbaan. Het hart van de Rotterdamse wederopbouw
Auteur: Aarsen, Astrid
2013 - Paperback, sewn, with flaps, 176 pp - Fine.
€ 20,00
69 Joies de l’amour, Les
Auteur: Casanova, S.
Les Impressions de Roses
1965 - Paperback with dust-jacket, 126 pp - Good.
€ 9,50
A Closer Look. Technical and Art-Historical Studies on Works by Van Gogh and Gauguin
Auteur: Peres, Cornelia; et al.
1991, 1st printing - Paperback, 123 pp - VG.
€ 17,50
A Diary of Love
Auteur: Hutchins, Maud
1951, 5th printing - Paperback, 158 pp - G-VG.
€ 9,00
A Foreign Affair. Film still featuring Marlene Dietrich
Auteur: Wilder, Billy (dir.)
National Film Archive
c. 1975 - Photo - Fine.
€ 20,00
A memorial for Mr. Lincoln
Auteur: Ashabranner, Brent
G.P. Putnam’s Sons
1992, 1st printing - Hardcover with dust-jacket, 113 pp - VG.
€ 17,50
A Peek at the Past
Auteur: Darling, Jean
Blotto Press
2003 - Paperback, 110 pp - VG.
€ 15,00
A Room on the Route
Auteur: Blunden, Godfrey
Bantam Books
1951, 1st printing - Paperback, 310 pp - VG.
€ 11,00
A Secret Story
Auteur: Saroyan, William
Popular Library
1959, 1st printing - Paperback, 158 pp - Good.
€ 7,50
A Treasury of Folk Songs
Auteur: Kolb, Sylvia and John
Bantam Books
1948, 1st printing - Paperback, 240 pp - G-VG.
€ 9,00
Aan ‘t eind linksaf
Auteur: Caza
1983, 1st printing - Hardcover, 48 pp - Fine.
€ 7,50
Aart van Dobbenburgh. Ofwel van vreugde en verdriet
Auteur: Luidinga, Gerrit (inl.)
Nijgh Van Ditmar
1976, 1st printing - Hardcover, 107 pp - VG.
€ 8,50
Abraham Lincoln Illustrated Envelopes and Letter Paper 1860-1865
Auteur: Milgram, James W.
Northbrook Publishing Company
1984, 1st printing - Cloth, 272 pp - VG.
€ 27,50
Acting Emotions. Shaping Emotions in Stage
Auteur: Konijn, Elly A.
Amsterdam University Press
2000 - Paperback, 209 pp - Fine.
€ 17,50
Adbusters. Vol. 12, No. 6. Nov./Dec. 2004
Auteur: N.N.
2004 - Paperback, [c. 120] pp - G-VG.
€ 12,50
Adventure in Vision. The First Twenty-Five Years of Television
Auteur: Swift, John
John Lehmann
1950, 1st printing - Cloth, 223 pp - G-VG.
€ 22,50
Adventures of an African Slaver
Auteur: Mayer, Brantz; and Malcolm Cowley (ed.)
Garden City Publishing Co.
[1928] - Cloth, 376 pp - G-VG.
€ 17,50
Advertising media
Auteur: Brennen, Ed
1951, 1st printing - Cloth, 410 pp - VG.
€ 12,50
Agent Orange. De jonge jaren van Prins Bernhard
Auteur: Varenkamp, Erik; Mick Peet
Van Praag
2004 - Hardcover, 78 pp - Fine.
€ 12,50
Aktstudien. 89 ausgewählte Meisterfotos
Auteur: Burkhardt, Hellmuth (ed.)
[c. 1960] - Hardcover, 113 pp - Good.
€ 14,50
Alain Robbe-Grillet
Auteur: Gardies, André
Editions Seghers
1972 - Paperback, 182 pp - F-G.
€ 12,50
Album. De fotoverzameling van Museum Boymans-van Beuningen. The Photographic Collection of Museum Boymans-van Beuningen
Auteur: Jonge, Piet de; et al. (red.)
Museum Boymans-van Beuningen
1995 - Paperback, sewn, 279 pp - Good.
€ 12,50
Aldo Hannie van Eyck. Recent werk/recent work. Twee/two
Auteur: Buchanan, Peter e.a.
De Beurs van Berlage
1989 - Paperback, 64 pp - G-VG.
€ 7,50
Alex Colville
Auteur: Melville, Robert (introduction)
Marlborough Fine Art
1970 - Paperback, 44 pp - Good.
€ 22,50
All-Atomic Comics No. 1
Auteur: Rifas, Leonard (ed.)
1980, 5th printing - Stapled, 36 pp - VG.
€ 11,00
Ally Sloper. Complete set of issues 1 through 4
Auteur: Gifford, Denis
Allan Class and Denis Gifford
1976-1977, 1st printing - Stapled, 4 x 32 pp - VG.
€ 25,00
Alphons Freijmuth
Auteur: Ober, Jerven (red.)
Van Reekummuseum
1982 - Paperback, [32] pp - G-VG.
€ 9,50
Alt-Antwerpen. Eine kunsthistorische Studie
Auteur: Kehrer, Hugo
Hugo Schmidt Verlag
1917 - Hardcover, 50[+60] pp - F-G.
€ 12,50
Always Leave ‘Em Dying
Auteur: Prather, Richard S.
1959, 5th printing - Paperback, 159 pp - G-VG.
€ 6,50
Amar Chitra Katha. Immortal pictorial classics from Indian history and mythology. Set of 6 comics
Auteur: Pai, Anant (ed.)
India Book House
[c. 1975] - Stapled, 6 x 36 pp - VG.
€ 27,50
America at War. The Best of DC War Comics
Auteur: Uslan, Michael (ed.)
Simon and Schuster
1979 - Paperback, 247 pp - Good.
€ 27,50
America in the Dark. The Impact of Hollywood Films on American Culture
Auteur: Thomson, David
William Morrow
1977 - Paperback, 288 pp - Good.
€ 12,50
American Art Posters of the 1890s
Auteur: Kiehl, David W.
Metropolitan Museum of Art
1987 - Cloth with dust-jacket, 199 pp - VG.
€ 14,50
American Master Drawings and Watercolors. A History of Works on Paper from Colonial Times to the Present
Auteur: Stebbins, Theodore E.
Harper Row
1976, 1st printing - Paperback, 464 pp - Good.
€ 24,50
Amis du Film et de la Télévision. No. 104 (janvier 1965) - no. 127 (décembre 1966)
Auteur: Bongnie, Jean de (ed.)
Amis du Film
1964-1967 - Hardcover, c. 900 pp - Good.
€ 25,00
Amsterdam. Geschiedenis van de meest vrijzinnige stad ter wereld
Auteur: Shorto, Russell
2014, 11th printing - Paperback, 402 pp - New.
€ 15,00
Amsterdam in de tweede helft der XIXe eeuw, gezien door Jacob Olie Jacobsz. Een keuze uit zijn fotografieën ingeleid door dr. I.H. van Eeghen
Auteur: Olie, Jacob
Genootschap Amstelodamum
1960, 1st printing - Cloth, 33 + [102] pp - Good.
€ 22,50
Amsterdamse kloosters in de Middeleeuwen
Auteur: Schilder, Marian
Vossiuspers AUP
1997 - Paperback, sewn, 200 pp - VG.
€ 8,50
An Actor Prepares
Auteur: Stanislavsky, Constantin
Geoffrey Bles
1948 - Cloth, 313 pp - Good.
€ 10,00
An American Comedy
Auteur: Lloyd, Harold
Dover Books
1971 - Paperback, 138 pp - Good.
€ 27,50
Analyze Lovers. The Story of Vincent
Auteur: N.N.
1990 - Stapled, [32] pp - G-VG.
€ 12,50
Andere Tijden
Auteur: Liempt, Ad van (red.)
L.J. Veen
2000 - Paperback, 191 pp - G-VG.
€ 8,50
Andromeda Vol. 2 No. 1
Auteur: Motter, Dean (ed.)
Andromeda Productions
1977, 1st printing - Stapled, 52 pp - VG-Fine.
€ 9,00
Andromeda Vol. 2 No. 4
Auteur: Motter, Dean; Ron van Leeuwen (eds.)
Andromeda Productions
1978, 1st printing - Stapled, 52 pp - G-VG.
€ 8,00