American games: comprehensive collector's guide
Auteur: Malloy, Alex G.
Antique Trader Books
Iola, 2000, 346pp., profusely illustrated, paperback, excellent
€ 14,50
Animals in archaeology
Auteur: edited by A. Houghton Brodrick
Praeger Publishing
New York, 1st edition, 1972, 180pp., ills, index, hard cover w. dust jacket.
€ 19,50
Bumper film book
Auteur: Redactie
Spring Books
London, z.j., 158pp., rijk geïllustreerd, gebonden, linnen, goede staat en compleet
€ 12,50
Castro's Cuba, Cuba's Fidel: an American journalist's inside look at today's Cuba, with a new afterword by the author
Auteur: Lockwood, Lee
Vintage Books
New York: 2nd. edition, 1969, 363pp., ills., paperback ,(Vintage Giant; V-533), unread
€ 14,50
Collectible beer trays, with value guide
Auteur: Straub, Gary
1997, 160pp, profusely illustrated, paperback, excellent
€ 29,50
Cracker Jack: the unauthorized guide to advertising collectibles
Auteur: White, Larry
Atglen, 1999, 176pp., profusely illustrated, paperback, excellent
€ 29,50
Auteur: Fillion, Patrick
Paris, 2000, 95pp., illustrated, paperback, excellent (Series: The Art of Collectibles)
€ 14,50
Death and design in Victorian Glasnevin
Auteur: O'Shea, Shane
Dublin Cemeteries Committee
Dublin, 2000, 270p., gelijmd, ca. 17 x 24 cm.
€ 24,50
Die Schlacht von Verdun in Bildern: Franzosische und deutsche Dokumente: Douaumont, Vaux, Hohe 304, Fleury,Souville
Auteur: Marot, Jean
Durassie Druck und Verlag
Paris, 1970, ongepagineerd, rijk geillustreerd met z/w fotos en kaarten, gelijmd, ca. 23 x 16cm.
€ 10,00
Een bodemloos bestaan
Auteur: Shaw, Dash
Oog en Blik de Bezige Bij
Amsterdam, 1e druk, 2009, gebonden, 15,5 x 22,5 cm.
€ 15,00
Expo 2000
Auteur: Devlin, Tom (editor) et.al.
Expo 2000
Bethesda, 2000, ills, 352pp., paperback
€ 7,50
Full house: a hotel/motel promotion primer
Auteur: Dewitt Coffman, C.
Cornell University, School of Hotel Administration
Ithaca, 1964, 1st printing, 246p., illustraties, hard cover, 28,5 x 22 cm. In prima staat.
€ 17,50
Handbuch der orientalischen und afrikanischen Teppiche
Auteur: Gans-Ruedin, E.
Prestel Verlag
München, 1971, 441pp., bound, with dustcover, profusely illustrated in b/w and colour
€ 15,00
Home was the land of morning calm: a saga of a Korean-American family
Auteur: Kang, K. Connie
Addison Wesley Publishing Company
Reading, 2nd. printing, 307pp., ills., hardcover w. dust jacket, excellent
€ 14,50
Indian: de geschiedenis van een klassiek merk
Auteur: Carroll, John (tekst), Stuart, Garry (fotografie)
1997, 112pp., rijk geïllustreerd, hard cover, prima staat
€ 8,50
Itô Jinsai: a philosopher, educator and Sinologist of the Tokugawa period
Auteur: Spae, Joseph John
Catholic University of Peking
Peiping, 1st. edition,1948, XVI, 278pp., corrigenda, index, soft cover
€ 75,00
Kontrast nr. 5 (PP62) september-oktober 1962
Auteur: Diels, Jan, Neefs, Hugo, van Essche, Leon, Vroom, Ivo
Lier, 1962, ongepagineerd, gelijmd, ca. 22,5 x 19,5 cm.
€ 17,50
Leben Brechts in Wort und Bild
Auteur: Schumacher, Ernst/Schumacher, Renate
Berlin, 1981, 3.Auflage, 444pp., illustrated, bound w. dustjacket
€ 12,50
Lithographed paper toys, books and games 1880 - 1915
Auteur: Anderson Drawe, Judith en Bridge Greenstein, Kathleen
Atglen, 2000, 192pp., profusely illustrated, bound, w dustjacket
€ 35,00
Lost in Seoul: and other disoveries on the Korean Peninsula
Auteur: Stephens, Michael
Random House
New York, 1st edition, 1990, 238pp., hard cover w. dust jacket, excellent
€ 10,00
Lou Reed / De biografie
Auteur: DeCurtis, Anthony
Houten, 1e druk, 2017, 528pp., foto's, index, paperback, zeer goed
€ 10,00
Marines in Vietnam
Auteur: Anderson, Christopher J.
Greenhill Books/Stackpole Books
London/Pennsylvania, 2002, 72pp., ills, paperback
€ 6,50
Möbelbau in Holz, Rohr und Stahl, mit 232 Lichtbildern und Zeichnungen nach Entwürfen des Verfassers
Auteur: Dieckmann, Erich
Julius Hoffman Verlag
Stuttgart, 1931, 90p., foto's, tekeningen, ingenaaid, softcover, ca. 23 x 29 cm. Serie : Die Baubüc...
€ 295,00
Microfonie van zuidnederlandse schrijvers 2
Auteur: Vercammen, Jan (coordinatie), Scarphout, Ria en Codde Paul (voordracht)
1978, 4 lp's in box, 38pp. bijlagen, gelimiteerde oplage
€ 100,00
Modern Czechoslovak film 1945-1965
Auteur: Bocek, Jaroslav, Bartoskova, Sarka, Bartosek, Lubos, Horejsi, Jan, Havelka, Jiri
Artia, in co-operation with the Czechoslovak Film Institute
1965, 190p., rijk geïllustreerd, gebonden, linnen, met stofomslag, ca. 20,5 x 20,5 cm.
€ 12,50
Modern Iran: the dialectics of continuity and change
Auteur: edited by Michael E. Bonine and Nikki Keddie
State University of New York Press
Albany, 1st. ed., 1981, 464pp., hardcover, bound.
€ 25,00
Monty's ironsides : from the Normandy beaches to Bremen with the 3rd Division
Auteur: Delaforce, Patrick
Alan Sutton Publishers Ltd.
1995, 213pp., ills., hardback w. dustcover, ex-library copy.
€ 12,50
Auteur: Baker, Geoffrey/Funaro, Bruno
Progressive Architecture Library, New York, 1955, 264p., rijk geïllustreerd met foto's en tekeninge...
€ 50,00
Nothing to get hung about : a short history of the Beatles
Auteur: Evans, Mike
City of Liverpool Public Relations Office
Liverpool, 1974, 30pp., soft cover, stapled.
€ 10,00
Paperbacks, U.S.A. : a graphic history, 1939-1959
Auteur: Schreuders, Piet
Blue Dolphin
San Diego: Blue Dolphin Enterprises, 1st US edition, 259pp., profusely illustrated, excellent, unrea...
€ 15,00
Perpetrators victims bystanders: the Jewish catastrophe 1933 - 1945
Auteur: Hilberg, Raul
Harper Collins
New York, 1st edition, 1992, 340pp., index, hard cover w. dust jacket.
€ 8,50
Auteur: Kerouac, Jack
Uitgeverij C. de Boer Jr.
Bussum, 1972, 140p., paperback
€ 4,00
Power and its disguises: anthropological perspectives on politics
Auteur: Gledhill, John
Pluto Press
London, 1994, 248pp., index, paperback, unread
€ 12,50
Red odyssey: a journey through the Soviet republics
Auteur: Akchurin, Marat
Harper Collins
New York: 1st. edition, 1992, ills, 406pp, hard cover w. dustjacket
€ 14,50
Satyajit Ray: an anthology of statements on Ray and by Ray
Auteur: Satyajit Ray; foreword by Raghunath Raina
Directorate of Film Festivals, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
New Delhi, 1981, 152pp., ills, soft cover
€ 19,50
Screaming Eagles : the 101st Airborne Division from D-Day to Desert Storm
Auteur: Anderson, Christopher J.
Greenhill Books/Stackpole Books
London/Pennsylvania, 2000, 72pp., ills, paperback
€ 5,95
Six existentialist thinkers: Kierkegaard, Jaspers, Heidegger, Nietsche, Marcel, Sartre
Auteur: Blackham, H.J.
The MacMillan Company/J.W. Arrowsmith
1952, VII en 173p., gebonden, 22x14,5cm, stofomslag verkleurd, snee licht gevlekt, verder goed.
€ 10,00
The Aryans: a study of Indo-European origins
Auteur: Childe, V. Gordon
Dorset Press
New York, 1987, reprint, 219pp., ills, index, hardcover w. dustjacket
€ 19,50
The best of the raconteurs
Auteur: Morley, Sheridan; Heald, Tim; illustrations by John Lawrence
The Folio Society
London, 2000, 288p., illustrated, gebonden/bound, in slipcase/cassette, ca. 16,5 x 23 cm.
€ 9,50
The Enigma of Japanese power: people and politics in a stateless nation
Auteur: Wolfferen, Karel van
Alfred A. Knopf
New York, 1st. edition, 1989, 496pp., bound, hardcover w. dust jacket, index.
€ 14,50
The Four Books: Confucian analects, the great learning, the doctrine of the mean, and the works of Mencius: with original Chinese text, English translation and notes
Auteur: Legge, James
Paragon Book Reprint Corp.
New York, 1966, 1014pp, bound, hardcover
€ 40,00
The Oxford history of the Biblical world
Auteur: Coogan, Michael D.
Oxford University Press
Oxford, 1998, 643pp., ills, index. bibliography, hard cover w. dust jacket
€ 24,50
The Paperback Art of James Avati
Auteur: Schreuders, Piet Fulton, Kenneth, preface by Stanley Metzoff
010 Publishers
Rotterdam, 1st edition, 2005, 200pp, paperback, profusely illustrated, unread
€ 15,00
The puppet theatre of Asia
Auteur: Tilakasiri, J,
Department of Cultural Affairs, University of Ceylon
Peradeniya, 1968, 166pp., bibliography, ills, index, hard cover w. dust jacket
€ 15,00
Through the moon gate: a guide to China's historic monuments
Auteur: Zhewen, Luo and Peng, Shen
Oxford University Press
Hong Kong, 1986, 313pp., ills, maps, hard cover w. dust jacket
€ 7,50
Auteur: Kerouac, Jack
Bussum, 1976, 134pp., paperback
€ 4,50
Warrior : The story of General George S. Patton
Auteur: Editors of the Army Times
New York, 1967, 223pp., ills., gebonden, linnen. ca. 15,5 x 23,5 cm.
€ 24,50
Wij schreven 1815…: dagboek van een rondreis in de Nederlanden in den herfst van 1815
Auteur: Southy, Robert
Uitgeversmij N.V. Standaard-Boekhandel
Antwerpen, 1946, 136p., afbeeldingen, gebonden. linnen, goudopdruk, ca. 20 x 26,5 cm.
€ 20,00
Zippo: the great American lighter, including the Poore Guide to Zippo prices
Auteur: Poore, David
Atglen, 1997, 216pp, profusely illustrated, hardback w.dustcover, excellent
€ 40,00
Zwecksgerechte Arbeitsmöbel für Büro und Wohnraum
Auteur: Noth, Herbert
Verlag Georg D.W. Callwey
München, 1957, 199p., foto's, werktekeningen, gebonden, linnen, met stofomslag, ca. 22 x 30 cm.
€ 25,00