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The Thief Queen's Daughter




Tom Doherthy Associates LLC New York


6,50(Excl. toute livraison)


Hardcover 2007

Plus d'informations
The Thief Queen's Daughter by Elizabeth Haydon

from the Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme

On his first day at the job of Royal Reporter for the land of Serendair, King Vandermere sends young Charles Magnus Ven Polypheme, known as Ven, on a secret mission within the walls of the Gated City. His quest? To discover the orgin of a mysterious artifact given to the king's father. The king warns Ven to take care, because once you enter the Gated City, you might never be allowed to leave.

Within the city's walls all sorts of exotic merchandise not found anywhere else in the world can be bought and sold. But not only merchandise, Dreams, wishes, memories even childhood can be sold or stolen. The Gated City is ruled by the powerful Raven's Guild, and the Guild is ruled by the Queen of Thieves. Ven and his friends enter the Gated City ready for adventure. But when one friend is kidnapped and it is revealed that they are traveling in the company of the runaway daughter of the Queen of Thieves herself, their adventure turns deadly. For the ruthless Thief Queen will stop at nothing to get her dauhter back...
Haydon, Elizabeth - The Thief Queen's Daughter
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